Tuesday morning

Tuesday morning.
Digital painting over a photograph.
If you want a print of this piece please visit: https://etsy.me/3LpNJkm

My original idea for the title was “My breakfast is watching me” but I decided to ask in some art groups about it and the result was awesome! I got so many great ideas!
Some where puns, some other were referring to Sauron from Lord of the Rings. It was a really fun experiment!

And there was this comment: he proposed to not have a title or to be something non-referential so that anyone could put their imagination in the piece. And that was perfect!
I keep getting ideas, all of them good and I’ve even gotten two offensive comments, one for cooking an egg and the other just for the pleasure of offending, it’s really been interesting.

I also got the idea to make a Facebook group dedicated to show my work and I found it interesting. So if you want to join in feel welcome! https://www.facebook.com/groups/joaart

Old photos…

…with new vision.

Hi all, I hope you are well and healthy, here in my country we still are struggling with the coronavirus pandemic, and the last days I have been experiencing a great urge to go out to make photos.

That’s why I decided to revisit some of my old photowalks and edit some of my old photos.

Hope you like them, please let me know in the comments!

Waterfall of Tuliman


First edit, I love the feeling of this one!
But I also love the feeling in this bnw.

So… What do you think? I wish you all a happy day!


#Reto10minutos (1)

…In Spanish because that’s how I am making it in Instagram and Facebook.

This days I am having troubles to find enough time to paint, that’s I started my own challenge: every day (ish) I take my cellphone and dedicate 10 stright minutes to take photos. Then I choose the best ones, edit them and right to my social media.

It has been fun and quite a challenge, I started already in my social media and now I am publishing it in my blog.

So, here are the first batch. Hope you like them!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

If you want to visit my photo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joa_reza_photo

And my Facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/Joaart1

Please keep safe in this days of coronavirus.
